“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” (Matthew 5:9).
I watch with grave concern as tensions continue between Russia and Ukraine, and I fervently pray that a peaceful resolution to the conflict will be reached. I affirm the statement of the Lutheran World Federation’s general secretary, the Rev. Dr. Anne Burghardt: “We urge all parties to de–escalate the situation and work for peace and stability. A peaceful solution must be found.”
Our social statement For Peace in God’s World offers guidance:
We of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America share with the Church of Jesus Christ in all times and places the calling to be peacemakers. . . . [T]he basis of the Church’s peace–calling is in God’s final peace, the peace of God’s eternal reign. That calling is to proclaim the Gospel of God’s final peace and to work for earthly peace.
Join with me in praying for peace for the people of Ukraine and that the international community will play a constructive role in this regard. We pray also for the Ukrainian diaspora in our context, that they may know God’s peace.
In peace,
The Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton
Presiding Bishop
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America